

When your yard or residence is home to a skunk, it is time to get professional help to get rid of it. Skunks are members of the weasel family and only the striped skunk is found in New Jersey. Skunks are the size of a house cat, primarily black with a broad white stripe down its back. Skunks feed on insects, berries and various vegetation, as well as rodents, bird eggs and garbage. They often dig for food leaving small holes in the soil. They build dens in rock piles, brush piles and under buildings. They are often seen at the end of the winter when breeding begins. Skunks are strongly nocturnal which make it easier to avoid them.


The two most common places for skunks to make a den are under sheds and under decks. When skunks are present and become a nuisance, Buggin' Us Pest Control will first find the location of their den. Then we will set the appropriate traps to remove the animals safely and without harming them. We will also recommend habit modifications to keep skunks from your property in the future. These exclusion techniques are used to keep the skunks from burrowing under your deck, shed or other structure permanently.

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Buggin' Us Pest Control

P.O. Box 4372

Clifton, NJ 07012
